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Monday 4 January 2016

Surrealism and Picasso Cubist influence....

Well thats eerie.......

Upon looking at influences that surrealism has on ads I came across a film, Dreams That Money Can't Buy.   A story written by May Ray, Marcel Duchamp, Alexander Calder,  Fernand Leger and Hans Richter.... A story of dreams mixed with reality!

Some of the scenes are the work of the surrealist artist and I decide to watch a small dream/scene called Desire by Max Ernst.........A dream of an Accountant which was a mix of eerie and sexual bringing together of nothing! The music also was a little weird........Indeed very surreal......

See wiki for the plot and other scene plays.....

This kinda reminds me of Alfred Hitchcock and Quentin Tarantino

Gas a short by Hitchcock was about a girl who imagines that she is being assaulted one night in Paris – only for the twist to reveal that it was all just a hallucination in the dentist's chair induced by the anaesthetic.

Trantino Kill Bill was a mix up of reality and subconscious, the colour scheme of the film such as the bright yellow used is to artificial to be real......again a eerie feel of a dream like state!

As also upon reading about this film I found this statement :   There are also several other obvious examples of exaggeration which render the movie unrealistic in the mind of the viewer. The fact that The Bride survived a bullet to her head somehow, a fact which is the basis of the whole film, is utterly ridiculous. The fact that The Bride can somehow bring a samurai sword with her onto a commercial airplane and not raise any suspicion is another glaring example of exaggeration. Because of these exaggerations, the viewer is put into a separate universe with the understanding that none of the events taking place in this film have any bearing on reality whatsoever.

Alice in Wonderland - clocks and the weird dream-like world she enters could be seen as an example also..... talking animals and real life characters.

David Lynch - Third Place for Sony playstation included floating heads, talking duck man b/w corridors but not a video game or playstation though.

Surrealism at breakfast :

Meret Oppenheim-fur breakfast

Image result for fantastic art dada surrealism

Royal Crown Derby - Salvador Dali inspired

Image result for bone china set salvador dali

Vladimr Kush - Russian Surrealist artist

Parade and ballet production had music (Erik Satie) that was connected with the surrealist movement and I also found that Picasso had designed and helped with the costumes and curtain for this musical........ Some of his outfits for the dancers were maked of cardboard (Cubist Style) and thus limiting the movement of the dancers......

Image result for pablo picasso  parade outfits

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