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Sunday 3 January 2016


After being blocked from my email account and not being able to reply to emails regarding my college work I'm feeling rather flat.  I think that all the work I've done hasn't led to any good solid ideas and I'm starting to question if Art & Design is for me...

Should I sick with Painting and Decorating?????

I've got 8 years of knowledge and hard work of learning behind me already and feel that I'm lacking the understanding to actually finish a project when it comes to my assessments in Art and Design.
The fact is I'm not up to date with computers and putting them to good use (like photo shop or transferring my ideas to get the best outcome) I feel I don't understand enough about lettering, fonts and the world of typography, graphic design or digital communication. I did like the tests I made with textiles but again I'm lacking the correct route of getting a final solid finish....
example of not sure of what to do.... but trying to create anyway
This could be wall art for the haining but how to get this example stronger and final I'm unsure!!!

The sign writing I did for The Haining I found easy to do from start to finish! Partly because I'd learnt to do this at work.......again tho getting the font size correct so I could print and chalk the writing seemed difficult until I was shown how........I was left feeling silly to be honest as it was so basic.

I seem to have lots of ideas but haven't learnt to actually do what the brief was asking me to do!

In links I can tell you about the movements but showing modern examples of stuff  I feel I lack confidence.

The Reivers I felt like I wasn't interested in the project and the idea I had (black night) wasn't inkeeping with the brief as A POSTER THAT YOU CAN'T SEE UNTIL UP CLOSE doesnt really work........
A t-shirt with an image of a horse running fast
horse t-shirt
again nice image but not my own and unsure how to get it onto a t-shirt!

Confidence is rather low and I feel like I'm letting myself down at the very moment I should be sure and finishing off my ideas! 
This isn't my normal attitude and hope that once back at college I find my own stronger self........

1 comment:

  1. It's a blip and doubting what you are doing is a good thing. You have a good work ethic and are hungry to find things out, again, that's a good thing!!!
    It will turn itself around and you will feel better for being back at college.
