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Wednesday 6 January 2016

2d Picasso amd mono prints

Mono Printing and the raging bull.......MINOTAUROMACHY

The Mythical Minotaur

Firstly I'd like to note the connection to Surrealism. THE MINOTAUR is said to symbolize the lasciviousness, violence, guilt and despair. Looking at the print without knowing about the story or meaning I feel the beasts power but also the way his head is angled I sense a softer affectionate side also. 

Man Vs Beast

I believe this Minotaur was to be Picasso's alter ego. But in saying that don't we all have another side?
I'm learning that most things have opposing or opposites!

In order to recreate this picture I looked at the fine lines Picasso had achieved.. This reminded me of the bicycle sketches we had done in class with mono printing.

Tools needed : ink, board, roller, paper and a skilled finger or tool for drawing!

First try

testing the marks

more testing
I found the marks left were the closest I could of got to Picasso original etching. If I'd used the fine liner I wouldn't have got the darkness of the minotaurs head or the softness and fine details.
Charcoal would of been messy and I don't think it would of worked as well as it would of smudged.

I did test while I had the ink out for my Border Reivers..... Horse and rider

I also copied Matisse 

to much ink

using mirror

When doing an image of this kind you have to consider the reverse. I use a mirror sometimes to check over my workings.

And of course me haha

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