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Wednesday 20 January 2016

Me, myself and I

Girl in Mirror aka ME

I had to create a copy of another artists work in my own style....

I thought this would give me the chance to draw myself the way I actually seen myself and how others maybe viewed me.....Or the good/bad view of myself. However upon starting the picture I found I was trying to create a picture and not actually thinking into my feelings or tapping into my emotions!
Waste of time really but I carried on making a picture in the style of the Girl before a Mirror like Picasso. I used palette poster paints I had used as a child......I did like this and I did feel a sense of comfort and childlike excitement from this!

Image result for palette poster paint

Funny and was fun to do!   I started off wanting to really create a way of expressing my own true self.......But in the end I just enjoyed doing.......Maybe that is in fact what I wanted to express.....my need and want to have fun and to relax a little, do things thats out of my own comfort zone!

I guess if anyone wanted to they could find meaning in any painting or self portrait.......  I will remember this painting and maybe down the line I will paint another with more meaning and thought! 


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