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Tuesday 3 November 2015

Linoleum Printing


 Today, we had a go at lino cutting. First I decided on an image that I would like to use and would maybe give me the best image and effect. I had been working on a loch and tree image for another project and thought it would be interesting to see what effect i would get from this printing. I could maybe even use it.

Tools needed : pen, pencil, ink, roller(brayer)
lino handle/cutter, press(optional), board for cutting 

I had to practice using the cutter before I took to the finish work. The lino is thick but I found if you angled the cutter to much it was easy to dig to far.
I also found that working out what would be printed and what wouldn't hard to figure out. In the end I used my sketch book to highlight the bits I would want to be seen.

Print worked out ok for my first go.. However didn't think of the mirror imaging and the tree I had wanted on the other side.

printed onto a watercolour background I had
Overall I found this interesting and would like to take more time seeing what fun I could have and what works and doesn't. I do think this is something that interests me and I like how you put in the hard work and have to wait to see the final outcome. This is something that could help me slow down and take my time as I tend to get ahead of myself sometimes.

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