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Friday 13 November 2015

Emails and collecting information on the Pond Life and Algae

WELL this is a really excting start and Im excited to run with it

Got an email back for Lawence Robertson.

 The most abundant phytoplankton in the Haining Loch belong to the blue-green algae group, specifically Oscillatoria species. Other abundant groups are Crytomonas (Cryptophyta) and Dinobryon (Chrysophtya).
Microinvertebrates noted are freshwater shrimp and water boatman. I am not aware of any other survey in detail of the loch or of insects close to the loch. There was a survey of the surroundings done by Sara Eno for The Wildlife Information Centre (TWIC). It might be possible to infer from the plants what insects are likely to be present but I think this would be too much work in the time you have.
I think you would find it useful to contact Liz Douglas a local artist who has done a lot of work based on organisms in loch water and may have taken some samples from the loch. Liz@lizdouglas.co.uk.
I hope this helps and wish you joy in making your work.
Lawrence Robertson

I Have now emailed Liz Douglas!
Loch and algae information

Donna Marsh
Liz@lizdouglas.co.uk;   Fri 13/11/2015 16:31
Hello Liz,  My name is Donna and I'm currently studying a BTEC Art and Design course at Borders College. We are studying and designing an idea detailing if The Haining House was to open a Cafe. After visiting the house and loch I have developed an idea of detailing the pond life and algae that is present in the loch . I did email the The Haining and they give me your name and also informed me of the algae in the loch. Lawernce fromThe Haining did say that you to had looked in to similar things also and I wondered if you could give me any information you feel would be of interest to me......... I intend to design a cushion, bookmark and card that would be for sale in the gift shop.  I like the idea of a watercolour effect on fabric and maybe an embroidered or ink image of an insect or pattern relating to this. Another idea was to use trompe o leil  inside the cafe bringing the columns inside and some of the plant/pond life also..I look forward to hearing from you. Many thanks Donna Marsh...... 
just have to wait now

 This is all rather exciting

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