found this site.. If link doesn't work then search subject on the FSC Field Studies Council website... brings up theinformation I'm using. Need to learn how to screen shot on laptop!! Sorry!!
Could use this information later on. But for not will look at :
Greater water boatman feed on small animals which have become trapped at the surface of the
pond, they eat them by piercing them with their mouthparts. They swim on their backs, using
their strong hind legs, which have hinged swimming hairs. They breathe from an air bubble which
they collect at the surface and carry it around with them under their wings.
Lesser water boatman are detritivores which feed on algae and dead plant material at the bottom
of the water. They swim using their strong hind legs as oars, which have hinged swimming hairs.
They breathe from an air bubble which they collect at the surface and carry around with them.
Freshwater shrimps like small sea shrimps, they can swim on their sides. These detritivores eat
pieces of dead plants, and breathe using gills at the base of their legs. They eat single-celled plants
(algae) and dead plant material; they live among dead leaves and plants.
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