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Tuesday 3 November 2015

Class Picture

Class Picture

Today,  we got asked to create a picture of our class.  In order to do this we would have to choose a partner, then using acetate draw around the person. Next we would have to scale up using a projector and arrange our pictures together as a group photo.  
I was partnered with Alex. I asked Alex to sit crossed legged against the wall for me to draw him. We had decided because he was the only boy in the class that he should be centre of attention in the group picture. I found that holding the acetate up and drawing at the same time was harder than it looked, also the fact that the image changed if u looked through your other eye. My hand and drawing were shaky but I do feel I captured a good likeness of Alex.
After drawing Alex, I created a larger image with the projector and then painted in the details........

The class then put all the images together and we designed a background environment in 2d perspective. The background changed ideas a few times but we finally decided that The Haining House and woodland (somewhere he had been on a class visit) would make a good choice for our set up. Each person decided what they would do. I created a tree by sticking paper together and painting the bark on it. Next I asked the class to paint a hand and print the image into the bark. I felt this would bring the class together on a different level and we also asked our tutor Niall to make his hands the roots.. thus in keeping us all together strong and representing his authority and hold.
Our tree to which more leaves were added

our layout
Together as a group we placed our work and pinned in up on the wall... Everyone had played an important part and for such a big group I think we all had a fair say in the outcome of our finished picture. I found that working with others was at times frustrating because if I had an idea I couldn't just run with it and had to take everyone elses opinion on board.
Overall while the finish produce looks rather childlike I did enjoy making and doing the task set to us. 
Our finish
Setting out

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