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Monday 9 November 2015



Fauvism was the name applied to a group of artists from around 1905 to 1910. While this movement was short lived it has also played a big part on shaping and influencing the future.. ( something I will look into in more detail later)

The name of the movement came about after a critic seen the work of two artists,  Andre Derain and Henri Matisse in an exhibition in Paris in 1905. The painting exhibited were from a summer spent in the South of France. The boldness and use of colours made the critic describe the work as Wild Beasts.
The colours were bold often straight from the tube. The shapes and forms were simplified and the colours complementary to one another.This Complementary system makes the colours look brighter when next to one another. So the artists wanted the wow impact on the person viewing the image!

Primary and Secondary colours 

I feel this work is exciting and fresh.....This excites me with the bold colours and fresh take on a world filled with life.

Woman in Hat 
Image result for woman in hat matisse

The Red Studio
Image result for the red studio matisse

These are some of the works by Henri Matisse. Henri was a big part of the Fauvism movement. Before the movement Henri was influenced by artist like Van Gogh and Ceanne. He also studied work by JMW Turner
I think the work of Turner was very subdued in comparison to the colourful work of Fauvism.....Ceanne's and Van Gogh's work however, I can see more likeness. I'm sure Matisse wasn't needing or wanting to copy but as I to research other artists today I'm sure artists did look at others ways and styles. Many like Braque and Piassco worked together on Cubism.

George Braque was to a member of the Fauves, This was before Cubism however!


Raol Dufy influenced Robert Sanderson

Icarus earrings by Marni

Matisse blue nude by Rupert Sanderson

The Snail Matisse  by Christopher Kane
The sheaf Matisse by Valentino
While Fauvism ended as soon as it began really I do think that the colourful landscapes are very inspiring to the contemporary art of today! Colour is everywhere and artists express this with a naivety maybe taken for granted had it not been for the Fauvism movement..... History is then and we are now...who knows what influences we can have on the next generation......?   Lets hope its just as colourful.

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