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Tuesday 1 May 2018

Night 2 and 3

I do feel that I'm making slow progress tonight... perspective and shadow is something I focusing on...the way paint works dries too.   Next I may choose a different scale or colour altogether but my plan is to do one a night ... 

Slightly different from yesterdays.... 

Night 3... 

Well I'm starting positive and thinking be more assertive in my marks and minimal as much as possible... I have a stuff it what have I to lose. 

Starting with five colours 

First mistake was not having a red to create a brown...(basic primary colours)  or was it... I thought about if I had a dark green and overpainted a yellow would that create a brownish final... let's see! 

I'm exhausted.... and yet still frustrated what I'm I trying to do..?

On the art final daffodils were my aunt's fav flowers.. so my still life final are beginning to pick themselves.. what with the skull and flowers .. o wonder what else comes along... !!

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