For my Tutti Frutti cafe I had the idea of hexagon shapes, reflections, illusions, and shadows against the wall. So when people moved so did the shadows and wall! For my design I wanted to create a larger example as I always have to see if it will work or view it in a real scale project. ( see blog Tutti Frutti walls and floor )
So after all my up's and down's the women at the uni told me to take an a4 stencil down to her and some a1 card. (not to thick as the cutter GB series wouldn't cut it) This wasn't the plan I hoped for as I wanted shiny metal and etching work but I needed to see an outcome all the same.
I took a stencil and she scanned it into the computer, However I didnt realise that she would use my exact cut out (was abit rough cutting) and the final outcome was disappointing. I think the machine could of been used for better bigger things!
My cuts and shadows
It's not working !!
I think I've wasted enough time on these hexagon ideas and feel its came to an end for this project.
However, on a better note its introduced me to the world of 3d printing. It an exciting a new way of creating art not to mention creating architecture or medical developments.
fashion |
Pretty awesome stuff and I have realised since starting this course you have to keep up to date with technology! This is were I lack and because I haven't got an area to focus my thoughts on and they are everywhere....
Architecture and interiors I like but I feel it doesn't bring enough, Whats missing? Furniture is something else that I like a lot....New modern technology and thinking outside the everyday design....Note the memphis group example....have started blog on this but not finished it yet.
Art and Sculptor I haven't given enough time on yet and don't know my own abilities yet as just learning. Fine art I'm not sure I have the patience for! Or do I? Surrealism I liked but not Abstract art or Dada neither!
Art History I'm enjoying learning all about artists and seeing they work and ideas behind it. Art therapy and colours having feeling and meaning interest me.
Photography I'm happy doing and enjoying learning how to view my world in a different way or purpose. I think this could help with my art work also.
Will look back at this blog and see my developments later down the line!
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