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Saturday 5 March 2016

Charlotte Miller (P)

Today we got the opportunity to see Charlotte's portfolio.  Charlotte has been applying for colleges to progress further to becoming a professional painter.

Charlotte said her work was describled as processed led art and she was influenced by other artists, nature and emotion.

After getting together her work for an interview at an Aberdeen College Charlotte realised that her work she was producing wasn't enough and she found herself lacking...With this in mind she told us to keep every piece of work we do as we may need it later on.  Even if quote, We think its shit, keep it! I guess this is important because even bad work shows thought or example. Maybe even if  its just to reference how much you have improved.

Charlotte's influences have been :

Peter Doig - Milky Way

Milky Way
on display at national gallery scotland
Helen Frankenthaler -  Abstract Expressionism, Color Field Painting

Jackson Pollock - Abstract Expressionism 
Image result for jackson pollock
Drips painting by Pollock
Jackson Pollock ‘Naked Man with Knife’, c.1938–40
© ARS, NY and DACS, London 2016
one of Pollocks works - naked man with knife
Charlotte was applting for a painting college so it was important she produced painted works along with other examples.  Her portfolio was clean and set out in an easy to follow way.  Her work included some photography as well some Life Drawing sketches. Her bigger canvas work was were she really began to express herself and I think came alive somewhat.
photography works

more photography

still life example

death of a dog

relationship piece

Charlottes first canvas she talked about was about being in a relationship that she knew wasn't working out. The emotion and frustration she then tried to put down on canvas. Expressionism style I guess. She had used colour to show her moods she gave a sense of time when talking about the processes she went through. She worked with  Acrylics mixing and testing the opacity of the paint when mixed with water. She had shown example of this and the translucency and depth in her sketch book .

She also showed us her very large canvasses and we discussed that if on a digital portfolio you wouldn't get sense of scale as you do in real life. This happens alot with a digital portfolio.

Overall I felt she had a good flow and following of process and thoughts. She did describe the frustration of deciding what to display in her portfolio and this is something I will consider later down the line. I do realise my books are filled full of ideas and pictures and maybe not as easy viewing as they could be or even the way I intended them to be viewed. Like my sense of learning and thought processes my books are all over the place, full but no solid ground works.


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