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Thursday 9 May 2019

another days pondering (shadow)

He who follows is always behind.

This is true but taking your own steps can be lonely. I'm at a point in my life where this is the only way. To grow tall and be one in this place. To push thru and find the sun shine on my face.  Be it alone then so be it.  My happiness comes for being surrounded by my kids and dogs, out on walks or just the odd laugh at each other! Today I feel grateful for these little things.

Truth is not many people want to be around you when your down. Everyone is struggling these days it seems. But I know when I do come back up with the sun in my face, I wont care for my shadow that is cast over you all. The world is a strange place really isn't it. Such beauty in the simple everyday things and then so much evil in many. We fill our homes with things we like then like friends we forget they there, to busy or selfish to care to notice! good vs bad, black vs white. I say this because ...well of a tree that got me thinking

I was walking in the yes you guessed it again, the forest! All I do now I've two healthy and energetic dogs. But i was walking and seen two trees standing side by side. To me their looked like a couple. Engaged in each other and while surrounded by many others. Together.

To see love in this place sounds silly doesn't it...... 2 trees in love

But what came to my mind after that was to trees together with different colour bark. Racist a little but I did think of the community and racism etc.

Again all these different tree barks texture and colours all living as one.

Ones that look bent! or have shitty tattoos!

Or to thin

 to wide with bulges or warts
some exposed to see the underneath

the twisted to the core type

the sick and infected

the army and ranked in numbers

the fallen ones

The taken 

Some taller and casting shadows over others but all living or feeding each other..... It is so peaceful.

Where did we go wrong as humans ??

What is racism?
  • prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

Do you think the Oak says to the Birch, you don't belong here.

 Or go back to where you came from. Where did all this hate come from?

Religion - how many wars have been caused because of religion. I envy people who believe..... believe in something. But something that has caused so much conflict, hurt and disease! Seems to me like madness. But yet we have books, bible and scripts dating back so long you cant even imagine.

Imagine if trees could talk, like us humans!  well I dread to think of such a place. Maybe silence is the key. 

The concept is the same throught out and could be a light hearted way for a teacher or group to highlight the modern day issues regarding racism.

Which will be the next tree you see and wonder if any what part or category it falls into..? 

This was just one thought but so much more could have came from this if I had intented ... maybe one to think of later down the line  .. I think I could have made better images if I actually went out looking for examples of this. 

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