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Thursday 1 December 2016

First oil still life (f/a)

Oil Painting Practice 01

Well today Wednesday 30th November, is the day I actually try out oil paints for what I could say is really my first real attempt at the medium. 

Feelings - fear at the unknown. blocking in of colour was our first hurdle, something we all seemed to approach with caution. I think looking back I'd now be more expressive with making marks now.
I prefer the oils to the watercolour, and feel I want to throw in on thick and with confidence. This will hopefully come in time as I do more work with this medium. I feel I need to slow down my thoughts, relax and enjoy learning the processes and build up of a painting.

Its so strange for me to spent so much time on, well anything. For this reason I enjoy still life, because it gives me exactly that........still........frustrating as I find the learning process at times it gives me so much more in return. As a busy mother, the silent process of studying everything I've learnt this past year and half seems to be finally making some sense. The looking through, round, at the object, noticing how the eye can deceive what it thinks it sees and breaking things down. To actual take the time to look.

I find it hard to, I get a tension headache sometimes! F,ocusing I guess is harder than it looks when your not used to working in a certain way.

I prefer some of the earlier processes I'd done to the other later things. Its not really to you see it on the camera that you get a better understanding of what works and what doesn't.

 I did enjoy making bold marks on some of the objects. Like this coffee pot! I'm always hard on myself when it comes to my work but with this I can feel a real interest. While it looks shite and amateurish I can see some positives as well as the negative (this is a massive turn around for me)

So while I'd love to start again, as a learning outcome I've picking up lots of information already about this medium.  Will be happy to finish it off tomorrow, but with no real sentimentality about the work I've done. I do feel that if I keep doing oil medium I would soon begin to feel a relationship between me and my work.

Great fun and lovely to step back from our other subjects if only for a little while.

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