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Thursday 1 December 2016

morandi etching


For our Printmaking with were to look at the etchings by morandi.

My thoughts

Morandi Etching

Image result for morandi etching   Image result for morandi etching

What I first notice is the tones...If I half close my eyes you can see the highlights jump out and the parts of thedsarker objects where morandi has seemed to etch lines closer together to add darker tone.. I love the highlights really because they look so light, and I noticed the light seems to come from the right rather than the left! This makes me think of the set up and if it was a staged lighting or natural light that moved as time past. I like how simple it looks and how still. But then it gives you so much to. To follow the contours and take your eye through and around the objects, giving them energy. You feel like you know them personally and could actually pick them up.

I think that I could learn a lot about mark marking from just looking at these etchings. I get the sense that he would have done many observational sketches before committing to the etching itself.

Again I haven't looked at the artist works or facts but just from my own personal thoughts.

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