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Saturday 26 November 2016


So Saturday 26th November starts off with a trip to the house from my partners home. Cold hungry and alone. My children are at they dads and I intend to draw and paint, while cleaning relaxing and the thousand other things I have buzzing around in my head......You know you should do, yep need to do this should be doing that!

Life eh!

Breakfast, the bread is out of date and the eggs! Part baked rolls and bacon it is! So I can cook the rolls in oven, I decide to fry the bacon! Yes unhealthy as it is in modern day lifestyle to actually fry the bacon, I'm freaking hungry, cold and in need......MMMmmmm I forgot how salty the bacon can taste. Fat dripping over everything as it melts into the butter giving a shiny contrast against the dark crispness of the bacon. I'm taking back to a time of a younger me. I feel good so good I'd recommend it to everyone.

I sit down to watch Apples, Pears and Paint that I had downloaded days before with the intention to watch but just never seemed to have had the time.

Within seconds of watching it I start to feel something like empathy and  begin to experience an overwhelming sense of emotion. I smile as tears round down my face! As they are now writing this blog. While I'm only 18 mins into the programme and have paused it to begin to note my thoughts down here I still am not sure of what is happening. I think if honest I'm probably tired. But if I think to 15 mins ago the feelings I found in relation to the bacon and a memory of childhood or young adolescent, I can't help but wonder if somehow I have also paused that person and only now and again bring it out.  I like having time to myself. To let go and be STILL...........

The word rhyparagraphos comes from the Italian author Pliny the elder in this writing on Natural History. The word describes the artist Peiraikos's work on still life as being distasteful or of low class style of painting.  This I liked and could really look into more as I felt an interest with it.

I just got a text asking for my time at 12 to help someone! Its gone the openness I was feeling shut up shop within seconds (that vulnerable part ran back into its safe place, boom like lighting) then my heart sank as I got the pull to do or be again..... Its tiring and never ending the demand we have on our time.  For now I will watch some more of my programme and hopefully again be able to tap into the enter part of my self I just seemed to find.....Who have thought what impact a bacon sandwich (and lack of sleep) could have had .

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