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Wednesday 18 May 2016

My exhibtion first selection and reasoning

My Exhibtion

Looking over my own selection with an honest truth.........

These images aren't in any order as such yet, but I wanted to view and analyse my work and reasoning behind my choices. Plus it will be interesting to look back and see the changes between the selection now and the finish images.
My mono print of the work inspired/copy of Picasso's Minotaur.. This work for me shows so much detail and more than that, it was a personal excitement I felt when creating the image. The pressing and mark making you have to do when creating a mono print gives a great anticipation, the not knowing if it is working the way you intend. The accidental marks or smudges that happen just by chance that add to the finish work.

I had done my first mono -print of a bicycle right at the beginning of the course. I loved it then and I still love it now.

I loved the detail and the illustrative effect it creates. It works really well on news print which gives it an unique style all to its own. It gives a sense of old or could be made different with a light wash of colour.

The mono on newsprint can create a child like image but could also with a little time and patience make a really good fine art example. 
I wish I had played and gave myself more time with this, although I do think the expressive feel works great for movement and form.

This mix of wool, leaves and fabric was something I just created without researching anyone else and for me this work actually gave me an interest in mixed media approach I knew nothing about. For me when I look at a landscape I dont think or want to paint it. (1) because I know my ability is lacking and (2) I never seem to give myself much time to actually draw and paint and do a process.  (3) I'm impatient.  I want to create the texture of the things I see, The grass and bushes the clouds and depth of the landscape, The light as the shadows move across it. The solid texture of a trees bark against the softness of the leaf. the contrast in colour and the way they work together. The length or the grass and how they naturally fall and sit, resting on each other, with the morning dew sitting nestled on it. The frosty spider webs and how I can make this? to create a scene of a feeling.....That I get from it!

Next the life drawing on coloured paper in pastel was another selection.  This was the first time I'd really connected with the way I see the body in a way of perspective, angles and foreshortening. These pictures aren't great overall but they remind me that things are starting to take shape more and connecting the dots with the expressive nature I bring is working.

I do feel that I've still got so much to discover and I haven't found what really gets me. I'm in no hurry at the moment and I enjoy learning and the process behind it.

These life drawing in ink gives a good example of movement and shape.

Quick movement from a 30 second pose.

Me, myself and I
This piece was about me,  I'd wanted to create my own real life style Picasso.  His work Girl in a mirror, had really grabbed me when I was younger and going through a difficult time with my own self image. I could really relate to the work without knowing the meaning of the work. I recreated it but failed to make it a personal connection and it ended just a bright coloured picture.  See blog, Me myself and I for more info on this.

more mono printing on tissue paper

Ink drawing of a Tool

Ink drawing

So far that is it apart from my logs, and some photography!

Which I will look at later. I was worried that my exhibition would be all black and white but a lot of my photography has colour. I will have to think about this when selecting my images on this.

This whole thing gets very frightening looking through my photography. How to select a couple of pictures that I like. For me to distance the reason behind or the memory of, then just to select a good image for that reason with be hard.

The exhibition process should be fun and a celebration of a years worth of learning. I will try to remember this and not be to critical of myself and my work.

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