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Thursday 5 May 2016

Deception final Photography (P)

the action of deceiving someone.

"obtaining property by deception"
a thing that deceives.

"a range of elaborate deceptions"
synonyms: deceit, deceitfulness, duplicity, double-dealing, fraud, fraudulence, cheating, trickery, duping, hoodwinking, chicanery, underhandedness, deviousness, slyness, cunning, craft, craftiness, wiliness, artfulness, guile, dissimulation, dissembling, bluff, bluffing, lying, pretence, artifice treachery

So with that say I best explain how I got here!

As I've said in previous blogs, I have struggled to find what view on my world to do!

My self is in its self a journey,  walking in the woodlands and areas in the North-East and the Scottish Borders I've walked many different paths! Along the way because of this course I've actually looked, looked over under,up and down, through, across etc

LOOKING TO SEE MY VIEW a picture good enough to show and express me! My world!!

Going back to the beginning of this course we when on our first assessment (The Haining) Here was when I first started to see a different way of looking. Not just looking but asking questions! Asking questions was a new concept to me as I guess growing up I was told not to answer back, nor be cheeky.  Not to ask too many questions (or it will get you in trouble) For the first time I guess I had a voice and my own free will to use to. 

After all an honest question deserves an honest answer right!
Or does it!
Photographers used airbrush techniques as far back as the 1890's. It was so popular that factories specializing in editing were opening up.  Hand brushing was the most common technique for altering photographs. This often left visible brush strokes in the resulting photographs. So the airbrush gave a better quality image. Thus the truth got stretched more and more. 
Was it so wrong that people were having portraits edited, the removal of scars or moles/spots etc.The magazines were given the people what they wanted by selling the images of the ideal women in clothing......
I took this idea of real or not real and added it to my view.

underwater twig

Image of an underwater twig transferred onto a log
Because my course had started with our trip to The Haining I felt that this should come out also in my work. It was afterall how all my processes begun.

transfer of The Hainning
The whole process of transferring images onto an uneven surface was a real test of patience....After a couple of failed attempts I realised that I needed to sand and prepare my surface better,  Then I sealed it with  PVA to make it less porous, this let the transfer sit neatly on top.

I had felt like giving up but I'm glad I did persevere with my idea... This is the closest I've been to really connecting with a work I've done...For me I brings out all I've learned in the last year. This is me, my world, my view! Learning to keep going with something and follow it through with determination but also with passion. To doubt my ideas but then still push on even if it does end in failure.
I care what people think (I didn't realise I did) but I do! This project will give people a chance to have an opinion,  I want to let people have a say and I will give them a chance to write they thoughts in the back of a book displaying my original photographs. Good or bad I want to know what people think. To stop caring or kidding myself that it all matters! The truth is that I'm changing and beginning to grow into new me.

This was the sky and loch, however surface was very uneven. I still like how you can make out parts of the photograph tho!
It gives it a sense of being curious and the colour enhances its character.
On my walks I've already talked about seeing the forest with signs of the dead wood and new buds coming through...Spring and the new me did play a big final push in the assessment. A fresh clear mind for a new focus on the world around me.

The chains for me represent the weight of my past and being held back somewhat. I like how in black and white it can give a sense of time gone by....My anxiety and the false pretence I allowed myself to live with for so long..

The chains 
This is by far my favorite piece........It actually does look like a fecking log covered in moss RIGHT??
actual photogrph of above transfer

The saw was a tool in which I guess aids the whole lumbering in the woodland, While it was most likely a new age chainsaw that cut these logs, it was an old saw I'd photographed.. representing change (yes again)  For me it is an underlying meaning of the help and support I've had over the past year. Without being given the tools needed to get this far I'm not sure where we'd all be....... What is that saying“You give a poor man a fish and you feed him for a day. You teach him to fish and you give him an occupation that will feed him for a lifetime.    

Bringing the work together......

Here I have a telegraph pole/log......2nd along...
This is the last real meaning in the idea of deception.... I took the telegraph log and covered it in pva to seal it....
Next I used kromafresh to make a print of some of my prints, I printed the images onto light green, yellow, and white tissue paper. The tissue paper worked really well in the mono printing I'd done and liked the effect it left...

I stuck the image on the pole with pva to make the pole look like the other logs.... To replicate the false and fraudulent side that people bring. I have noticed how self obsessed people can be this year, when I cried for help I was made to feel like an inconvience! 
Some because they feared of they own lacking or knowledge, some guilt and some just didn't really didn't care. I'm thankful looking back on my darker days, because I do now know who I can trust and call friends/family.  I know that people aren't as honest as I am and that yes some people are out to destroy your happiness. But it gave me a greater way of viewing myself, I was probably no better. I interrupt people a lot and is the first of many things I'm working on. :) 

The dead wood is the death of a situation for me, on the darker side the betrayal, deceit, lying and down right shittiness of the world....
The adding of my photos brings it attention again, giving it purpose and energy....When I was rubbing some linseed oil into my photos, the pictures really did shine and come alive..... The same way that I feel doing it and being committed enough to see it through ,,,, To create something for myself and enjoy the being it the moment is surely one of the best feelings...... 

Top of my fake log
some of the photos I'd used to create deception
This whole work did finally come from the heart and I hope upon viewing you get the sense of this... This is I guess why people do art! Hell its not for the money (I've spend a small fortune on photos) 
My overall images include : 3 black and white, 2 digitally enhanced, 2 cropped and the rest are as took......

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