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Friday 15 December 2017

painting to a theme inspired by

Painting to a theme

Inspired by

Joan Eardley

                                    Image result for joan eardley


my image

Anselm Kiefer

This one below I love because while an apocalyptic scene it reminds me of the Circles of hell in Dantes Inferno and the Tower of Babel. To be up-to-date and in the now, it reminds me also of how in trends at the moment people are actually buying upside down Christmas trees. Traditional values seem to be vanishing and people want different things to cling to. Like the art world everyone wants a new take on the world and traditions.

This reminds me of my pond image I took while walking the dog

The frozen pond 

Image result for anselm kiefer

I just love the texture and the way the paint comes out to meet you. The layers and the way the work takes your eye forward and back around the buildings.
However my work will probably if I'm so lucky be like the work of

  Ken Kiff

This does kinda make me think of the images I've taken of mushrooms over the past few months. A weird and unusual world full of whimsical eeriness

I like this mushroom

The paper I've create with the leaves does actually look a bit like mushroom soup haha

Over the weekend I'm going to play about with different ideas and see what happens. I don't know what ideas or scene will suit be best. Distance, up close, abstraction, size, scale etc.

I do feel I want a big canvas I can really throw, rub and sculpt into. but who knows!

I did like this one


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