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Tuesday 5 December 2017

Mud sticks (P2AT)

Playing with Mud. 

Trying different ways to make mud stick... Is mud paint-able and if so what effect does each medium leave.  I didn't wanna make a colour from the different soils or pigment etc but to see if paint will stick to mud and if so how can I mold and make with it once it set. Other things I've thought of are using filler, clay etc. For now just the compost samples.

 I do however realise different mud with have a different outcome. Also I love the smells the rotten leaves and mud mix has when working the two.. This decay doesnt bother me at all but I have sealed a tester sample with varnish to see what effect this has on the mud. Does it make it easier to paint or will it hold the mud for a longer time, without any sign of ageing or decay.

Do the leaves stick with just PVA like the mud does? Drying time and drying out affects etc do they move or change shape with hot and cold temps. Crack or break easier

Mud has stuck great with Pva placed down first then, mud thrown and pressed down firmly on top. It was fun to get messy and I feel I could build on this more to give depth etc

Paint and mud mixed together

The paint and dry mud mixed together, then painted on to canvas didn't work great. It was very patchy and not getting me the full solid texture. Maybe paint mud and pva together and spread out with knife or hands in bulk would work. To paint with my hands and also sculpt at the same time. covering large areas.

Here I tried adding my dog's poo on top of the mud. Different feed each day gave a different hue of brown...... Interesting mix.......Rather like oil paint from the tube haha seriously it is only oil paint from the tube. looks a like gross.  I again wanted to test effect and drying time. Glazes and opacity against that of the acrylic medium testers. Using my colour theory to think about underneath colours and how shadows maybe cast or created. 



mud and paint together

added left over oil to leave to see what happens when dry

The pva didnt stick down leave to good and needed extra time for drying

Below is my leave and moodboard mix that I intend making paper with. I think to add and create depth to my work this extra attention to detailsmay be the difference for my textured piece. Plus I want to see what I can do with this.

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