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Wednesday 18 October 2017

Helping hand

After.settling down for some college stuff I had been thinking of what to do.. Without having sketch books for ideas and stuff, I've found me.looking at my hand again.. Where or what the hand itself is gotta do with what is being asked im not sure.  Its just seems for me to be reappearing.. Here below I began looking at the paper id made and out came the fabric.  I think I was thinking about tones and depth however, its more an Expressive direction I think its headed down.. Well as Expressive as a still object on fabric can be. I like sewing and think its something I'd definely be wanting to do more often.. 

The back of sewn hand

I feel that by doing this, its gave me a good start at feeling ok with the unknown again. A hand may or may not end up being relavant to any of my work but it has reminded me how much I enjoy the sewing machine. 

This play of words off the last years work was among my machine stuff. I enjoyed having a reminder that gives u an its ok, when your unsure.

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