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Friday 27 October 2017



So what does one thing of when the word abandoned comes to mind.

I guess left and alone is one of the first things.

My poor wee dog was left in a rehoming centre, I find myself looking at her and wondering about her history. Where and what has been her story before ours.

Abandoned for what or why! For whatever reason I guess it doesnt matter as she has ended up with my family, but funny how the wondering still reappears.. Like a need to know. 

 Below are some images I quickly found on my phone that may or could fall into the word abandoned.. 

Hope, I liked the idea of this one.. The times a day lately Ive felt like Ive abandoned all hope... 

Tower I've past for 15yrs and always wanted to go to...  Stopped here with dog for a wee break and got to see the patter.. 

Religion I guess I have always wanted to believe in something and yet for some people they lost it years ago. To believe in something more than ones self for me I guess is strange,  its only now at the age 34 I'm beginning to see the bigger picture and world.

The waking up covered in blood pic lol. Such a fright I got this morning and yet he was non the wiser.

And so we come to another place I'd seen and wanted to visit. On my walks I pass this abandoned house and with this theme I guess it gave me the need to go and see up close... YES!!

Next to a river I think it could of been an old water house or something. It is in  the middle of a wood and is small to be an actual house.. Plus the concrete level it sits on makes me think it had a purpose.

I like the pattern left on the brick

I didnt think it safe for me to actually go into the building what with the floor being covered with leaves and the concrete bit hidden below. but as I stepped a foot in I took some photos. Notice the tiles in the far corner too... had thought they could have photos put on them or something

This blue piece if wood I did bring home with me. The detail in the wood I liked and the distressed look. It is rotten but character. The old nails it has showing I thought I could hang photos down from it of the house itself. I had thought of David Hockneys images, and had envisioned something along those lines for a final photography piece. Who knows

Something like this

The below picture Had also reminded me of the hockney's photomontage when I was on the road on holiday.

my image

I will for now continue with the photography of abandoned.

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