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Wednesday 25 October 2017

Expressive drawing hands!

So here I’ve been looking at my own hands. As a class in life drawing we all seem to avoid drawing the hands and feet. When I have done it has been with apprehension and more of a idea of a hand or mark. Looking back in history I found many artist had done several studies with regards to the human body.   For me this fits into a couple of my topics so I think a couple of days working on this will be beneficial to me in the long run. Plus I get to draw.  

It’s hard to believe I’ve never drawn a hand before. So much detail and weird shapes considering how much we use them daily. 

Some images are working in areas but still some work needed. I think my drawings are getting better but my mind is still 2d thinking rather than 3D.  I do like having time to try out mark making and shades.  I guess I had never had time or confidence enough to continue any sketches as a teenager. Then working and having a family, I think I thought by doing a art course it would fall into place or taught step by step like a child.  Funny I remember avoiding things growing up, adapting ways around or finding other spellings etc for the things I found hard, only now the last few years am I realizing the importance of  confronting the things that test me!

The colour studies I don’t like and don’t think I’m ready for this at this moment.

The circles I don’t think they work, the arrow bits I like 

I’ve edited some of the drawings into negatives so the lines and form stand out so I can see another level where I’m going right and wrong. This is really helpful.

Below!!!! Yes these were my two fingers, looks a tad rude. 

By the time my shading was finished my fingers had became misshapen and the tonal values were to dark. Considering I was frightened to start shading I’ve done not bad for a starting point. 

My paper hand I enjoyed building up.

Some edits again but I worked from life.

Hands I’d photocopied and cut to make a landscape

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