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Wednesday 29 November 2017

Printmaking hands 1097 :) or so it feels like!

So hand we go again

Today I decide to take all my hands and cut out the best bits. Sticking them back together as a collage.

Next I traced over some main pieces and then decided to make an etching to see what lines etc do and how far I could take my marks before I (pardon the french but) fucked it up!

Notice the image is reversed when printed, this wasn't a concern for me at this stage as I wanted just to move away for pencil and try a different approach. My eyes are still not seeing contours and how to draw the spaces. I know once it clicks in my mind I will never be bothered by it again but for now I seem to have a block or something.  To the point I feel stupid

Many lines quickly take a graphic look and this wasn't something I intended.

Its already beginning to lose its form and shape but I think that by continuing I can begin to push out of my safety zone. (safety zone haha well what the hell am I trying to hid or protect anyway) Leap onward half hearten and frustrated.  I wish I could just see the marks and make them.

Again the above image begins to lose shape in places and my marks are hesitated and unsure. I think you get a sense of this in the etching

I think (no I have to ) get there its just trying out different ways of working I guess. I live in hope.

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