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Tuesday 21 November 2017

Expressive - Movement and artists.


Today I started to think of how I could take my mono prints and turn them into something else. I started by cutting out 3 figures, Afterwards I photocopied them and played around rearranging them. 

These mono prints had started out as studies from my life drawing class, next I'd printed them to look and give the shape and form of the figure. I did like the fullness the print gave. 

The prints reminded me of the work of Herni Matisse's The Dancers. 

I began with quick mono prints of people moving. While I wasn't thinking about proportions I realise it does help the overall feel of the dancers. I gives a flow and progression. My own does take your eye around in a circle but its not as practiced.

movement but because reversed doesn't look right

again just playing to see what happens

idea of a seated pose. legs are off but was trying to give the idea of weight etc

I like this one because I think you get the idea of her leaning forward however, she seems to be floating

head to small but again an idea of position
I think the below images works quite well for movement.

Thinking of the background and if that adds anything.

The Futurist


Marcel Duchamp - Nude Desending a Staircase

Related image

What did I notice .... darker background and stages.......blocky and the hint of a person.

Above with Duchamp I notice the highlight parts of his arm and the pattern in his trousers... again a dark background and horizontal descend.

Giacomo Balla

Flight of the Swallows


Sorry this image is upside down...

I had more images that won't upload on blogger. 

The images of the artist all seemed to flow and have order. Repetition 

Other studies I'd done of repetition 

Egon schiele - hands

The hand figure drawing by the artist Egon Schiele to me seem expressive in the sense that he's looked at them and picked out the most relevant features

The lines are done with biro pen I think and seem to be continuous. I did draw my own hand in mono print with these two works in mind. 

The bottom one I think works well because you get the idea of shape and the image isn't really flat. 

Upon first seeing these sketches I thought they look a little child like but after doing my own similar drawings I realised how much the artist had looked at the hand and studied it in great detail while at the same time relaying in ink his findings.   With this practice I do actually like my own studies in this medium.

My drawing using the left hand I think does have more detail and gives a sense of the same of the knuckles as I angled shapely form. I do actually like this process and I can see a progression with this.

Paul Klee - By giving colour to add to movement. This guy knew what worked and understood his medium. something Im yet to understand


Pattern and textures to create another way of looking... my colours didn't work so well.

We also looked at wire art

I have done so sewing onto the paper I'd made. I do think its is some what expressive. 

I'd of liked to do my life drawing using a free hand sewing machine.

Henri Moore

What can I say this guy knew line and form. His work is amazing



So artists I liked at included 
  • Giacomo Balla
  • Marcel Duchamp
  • Henri Matisse
  • Henri Moor
  • Paul Klee
  • Egon Schiele
  • Bridget Riley

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