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Saturday 25 November 2017

being human - creative coathanger

Glass Map Making Workshop

Today I was lucky enough to attend a glass making workshop as part of the Being Human Festival (mapping the Borders)

Because I'd looked at my own hand and noted the pattern and contours than make up a hand, I thought I had to make it part of this workshop. I wish I had been more organised with my map and contour but I really didn't know what to expect at the time......

First I drew and cut out the shape of my hand, notice how the roads are vein like. Different maps with didnt scale sizes are really a great source of ideas. So many areas to take inspiration from. I decide however just to pick and choose the bits I like from different maps (again not organised enough)

Now for the engraving part, which I should add has opened up a whole new world of fun to me. So much so that Santa is now bringing me an engraving set from Christmas. Oh the fun times ahead....

seeing the layers :)

I built up the hand using 4 pieces of glass, while making sure that each one fitted on top of the other. Some marks that did jump out of place added to the 3d effect at the end. I kinda knew what I was planning but somehow and without realising my hand began to get fatter.... chubby..

The frost part underneath was done with an acid soloution that you put on and left for 15 mins..... Had I had more time I think this whole hand could be a real fun piece of work. I loved my day learning and had a great time with people that were keen and happy learning new things.

seeing the layers :)

Look at that thumb ...... It could pull out a plum indeed and shame that Little Jack Horner.....

 Boom a Nursery Rhyme Theme and development begins, before you know it I'm looking at etching of Paula Rego or the illustrator Arthur Rackham.... and the list goes on.... Wonderful (alice in WONDERland = Rackham ) how its all connected and travelling one route. Or many routes same paths or destination points.

At one point today I got frightened as I realised for a second I had deja vu, I really did sense it and panicked as my mind tried to remember/search when had I been in this similar situation? I hadn't even been in this building or sat at that seat but I did however get a real sense of I've been here before! I'm suppose to be here feeling and as quick as that my mind settled back to what I had been doing.

Do you think life is as simple as you will get exactly what is for you, without you even knowing what it is. Is it planned and deep routed like the veins that our blood flows, or the rivers and seasons that change, the stars that continue to shine ?  The things that just are and we take for granted everyday? Without question! The thing is I knew while being a Painter and Decorator and as much as I loved it, I always felted something bigger was pulling at my its not enough part of myself. So here I am still trying to figure out what is enough?? Someone said it could be determination! But I don't feel a need to proof anything as such to others or myself! Or do I?

Again I'm going on one so think about it and if you know the answers please do fill me in cos I feel it might be a while before I figure it out.  For now engraving is a new way for me to make and play and create......and for that I'm super excited.

Another question I find myself asking is do all art student go through the same process.... Could someone know that well she's figured out a,b c and d so next she'll learn e etc or are we all different and unique like our fingerprints.... Looking the same but no two the same?

Global Warming - Climate Change - Man Fingerprint on and on and on

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