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Monday 2 January 2017

Canvas more of less done (cracks in phone) (*)

Ok since my last update, I've done another hour or so on my canvas... I had spoke about adding glass, which I've done as well as pouring some white paint over it.... The white paint was to highlight the cracked egdes. I feel that the paint was to thick and wasn't as thinly dispersed as I had wanted. Maybe a lesson from Pollock beforehand would of helped!

Sitting looking at it as I type I worry that I should of been thinking more about the viewers eye and how it travels around the image... But I think I did try and do this naturally without thinking.... While I'm happy overall I do think my planning needs attention...

dont like the purple of the mobile!

notice the drips of paint rather than a clear thin line! Dont like it!

not sure if you can see the clear glass I'm adding to canvas

I'm still unsure to the mobile phone I have on the canvas and may remove it before I finish

 Next I looked at the canvas and added some more tissue paper to parts

I would like to crack the glass also but because of health and safely I will just make the effect of the cracks....   While I must admit taking a hammer and smashing the hell out of it is appealing.

For now I'm going to concentrate on making sure I've wrote enough on why and how I've got to this stage.  Step away from the work!!!

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