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Sunday 10 April 2016

#DAK 01 EXHIBITION jedburgh

Today I went to an exhibition in Jedburgh..  #DAK01  works by artists Felicity Bristow, Niall Campbell, Graham Patterson and James Wyness.

Upon entering the smell of the dark damp room hit you. For some reason this wasn't an unpleasant smell but one of old history and maybe a time of gone by. The premises I believe was an old bakery. I liked this and for me it was calming and I was comforted by it...... It made me think or remember places I'd worked in and the old out houses that my dad and grandad had when I was a child...Basements and history

this was a projected set up with a blow heater and water projecting on to a wall
The effects from the projector were pretty cool and I was impressed by the pattern and lights created.....A lot of the work the artist had produced in the past were inspired by the sea and I felt this was an interesting way of recreating an effect and different view of this...

This work from Niall Campbell was something that I also found interesting.
The work represents past, a story that told and tells a story of the past into the present, By printing onto the surface and leaving a image that looks old and aged (red damask print) this is representing age but also marks left by people, history and now...A sense of time forgotten but bought to attention again.. The paper on the left was created by making marks that looked like the aged wall.....it was pasted on the wall bringing new and old....... I like this idea and different take on printing..

print onto wall

recreated or not Niall managed to identify and bring this to the new print...

I found this idea and work interesting as I have been looking into my own self and issues of past and  present
this work was made by Felcity... Sewing and bringing together a natural pattern from the old nails in the walls..
The sound performance I couldn't really relate to and found it rather loud and intrusive of the building and age of the building.... It seemed to me just noise that took away the calm and natural beauty of the place.. I didn't find out the meaning behind it however, and feel that if I'd took the time to ask then I'm sure it would of been relevant.
I also had my young son with me so if was hard to really focus on the meaning behind the exhibition....Its the first of it kind i've been to so I think next time I go to something like this I'd ask questions.

tiny keyhole up close

beautiful light cast into the room

aged old web and light...
I loved the windows and the natural light.... to capture this I feel that... right place, right time played a part and it was perfect, I'm thankful for being able to have seen this and capture the very moments I did......

Overall I learnt another lesson on seeing art in another way. I'm like a sponge at the moment and think I will bring examples or ideas from many of the things I seen here....I have my own ideas but do feel that anything that I can take or use to help my own self and work stronger is great!

To anyone starting out like myself GO OUT AND SEE, VISIT AS MANY EXHIBITIONS AS POSSIBLE! ask questions and look..... 

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