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Saturday 20 May 2017

Viewpoint, Were going back to the start. (fuck again)


Other sources I found randomly on the net.........

Image result for equality artwork

Image result for equality artwork
This is very much a great idea and sense of what I feel
  Image result for equality artwork

Image result for equality artwork

niki de saint phalle

Mona Hatoum - Human Condition

Image result for mona hatoum human condition Image result for mona hatoum human condition

Louise Bourgeois - No escape

Image result for articulated lair
Isa Genzken
Image result for Isa Genzken

Related image  love the images and photography of the D&G campaigns


Image result for nude underwear

So with the nudes in underwear I felt that a stripped bare feel to a viewpoint of us all being of the same skin but with many colours..... This I felt gave a sense to the equality I wanted to express. I feel lost as to how to get imagery to reflect what it is I'm trying to do.... In my head I can picture many viewpoint ideas but then getting it out on paper is frustrating me. My computer knowledge is basic and I feel that I'm lacking with regards to the standard I can achieve.  This is something that comes up time and time again. Lacking understanding, teaching and confidence......

Right now I at the point of who gives a fuck and who's cares......... With this in mind I'm sure I'm not alone with regards to study. Where do you turn when a simple task becomes a headache. I really do feel like burning the fucking lot lol. excuse my french but it really is the frustrated attitude I have this very minute.

Who gives a fuck I think will be my new viewpoint topic......I think 18-35 studying could relate to this feeling of walking away and throwing your two fingers up in the air with a sense of excitement and fear. The equality is still there also as I'm sure both women and men have and can feel this fuck it attitude. So I'm pushing women in the workplace to one side I think. Cos lets face it who does give a fuck. The women as I well know have to work hard, face criticism daily in the male construction workplace and I guess that isnt gonna change with me or without my point of view. Fact is men are naturally stronger than women and with that said will find some tasks easier. I still believe all women need to consider this but also to not let it be a reason not to do it.  I've lived it and I know I'd happily go back into that environment because I know I can do my work to a high standard. If women dare to go into this area then I think they have to be head strong and up for some trials with regards to this. I do think that Surrealism and the War (1920 onwards) did start to change the way for the sexes not only in the workplace but in psychological sense too.  I will play with this frustration and see what manifests. Wasted my time again but learnt something to I guess.....Fuck It :) Right!!

  Image result for fuck it

This rings true for me.... Last ditch moment

Image result for fuck it

Image result for who gives a fuck

Image result for inspiring quotes for students   Image result for inspiring quotes for studentsImage result for live life happy images

Do inspiring quotes work?  Im not so sure but I do think there is inspiration everywhere.......

In the everyday !!

My heart egg.....chance happening that for me made me smile. who else gives a fuck? Probably no-one! So with that said, I guess such as life, do what makes you happy. For my centre I think I'd make images that are under the heading Inspiration In the Everyday!

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