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Tuesday 16 May 2017

Mural built up

Above is some of the photos I'd taken on my visit to the house.

 Next i looked at the images and tried to look at the colours and textures.

Below is my textures that I created using actual roses petals, tissue paper plastic and leaves.  I found that the tissue paper worked well with the built up areas but i thought that by sewing threads to highlight the petals could make a more interesting and life-like look.

 The texture for me was what it was all about. Textures have always interested me, I never wanted to paint a landscape but to give the feel and texture. Below is a edited copy of the above image. I really like this as it brings out the sewing.

herb garden

A mural for the gift shop is what I indeed to create from at of this. I had thought of gift bags or soap packaging and products for the keen gardener. However the scale of my work always seems to be large and I just didn't click with working small scale or with technology and graphics. I like the hands on approach and think that just being in the moment without to much planning helps me create. I feel its still not to a high standard finish but the very fact I couldn't use a sewing machine when I started this projects makes this example good enough.

The finish I'd of like it a really big solid frame without glass..... more a border feel.... chunky! Still to put the final pieces together at this stage but just about finished.

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