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Sunday 28 May 2017

Viewpoint - Finished :)

Today I started to cut out a stencil for a screen print, I did the sun in a horizon style. I think I was thinking that today a new day and the things of yesterday not to dwell on. Regarding my previous viewpoint ideas and efforts.

I used a blended print to give a nice transition from yellow to white.

With me working and working without a final idea in mind I printed onto different surfaces and colours of paper.

Because I have a limited use of the graphics of computers I felt that if I was to construct something by hand it should at least be something of a process and not just a painting. 

Next I made a collagraph with the idea of printing backwards so that it reads wrong, (mirror image would read correct) I was thinking about my frustration regarding the whole topic of viewpoint. The way my brain cant take a simple task of doing anything within reason.  I could of done many things but for me once I decided on women in construction I had over thought every angle. I had tool belts, tools , traffic signs,1.5m canvas, safety boots painted,tutu, and probably another 20 ideas or items. 
So many ideas and nothing at all

notice spelling

I always try to create a simple design, I was hoping that this would speak what I was trying to say.

My canvas had been overpainted from the original painted man/women image...
canvas with picasso and  dali faces, but also reference of sexual private parts (man arm penis, womens-dali nose a vagina)

Now the canvas was white I just spray painted the words bigger picture, one because I do wonder what is the bigger of this course and also I think any student of person can relate to the question What is the point? They must be a bigger picture!

I did hate the way the writing of picture looked off and squashed together....... its all shite.....I fell I had no idea or path.... God I didn't even know what I was doing!

Because it was a cover of a magazine, I thought about the heading and barcode price etc. I didn't want them to big to distract from the bigger picture. I kept them small..... I also added BElieve in YOUself at the bottom.... be you highlighted in yellow. This rings true to me as I find the personal art gives me a chance and motive to express and feel emotional works. While I haven't yet done anything that has really given me a true sense of that is what I wanted to come across, I do feel all this learning can only be for the greater good.

the equation of back to square one. 

I had thought I wanted to attach my screen print to the canvas. I wasnt working so I decided to piece the two screen prints together for my centrepiece.

wasn't feeling right

Here it is upside down ha.... but you get the idea

I'd cut and sewn the blue canvas onto the white to give it a lighter cleaner feel to the other half.  I cut also my collagraph words to read the correct way.... VIEWPOINT WE ALL CAN......

machine sewing is new to me but I do feel it is something I'd naturally take to..... Was testing my patience at times.

While I don't have any text as such, I think it I had to I could scan them into computer and add text to them, maybe dulling the images into the background.    This has been a step into a work that I'm actually happy enough to say its more me.. I always feel my work isn't good enough but I have also noticed I'm quick and impatient when creating stuff... I've said before that my work is more like an example and I do feel that these pieces are like that.... If to do again I would have a plan of action.... something I never have at the start of each brief.  Maybe these are my planning ..

The soviet posters I looked at all seem to have hands/fists, I thought this fist would work coming out the water into the sunrise, because it could give the sense of breaking through the impossible..... a fist wouldn't be coming out the water.... but within the word impossible it has possible......to tie into the bigger picture and the learning of us all.. Anything is possible and we all have it in us to achieve greatness..... For me right now, I'm happy to settle with the great feeling of this brief being over.... with an added sigh of relief

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