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Wednesday 27 June 2018

Digital artists and art I looked at (art in coxtext)

The first use of the term digital art was in the early 1980s when computer engineers devised a paint program which was used by the pioneering digital artist Harold Cohen. While the actually digital collaborations were much early in the 1960's.

 AARON was the robotic machine designed to make large drawings on sheets of paper placed on the floor.

                                                                                  Harold Cohen

Worked to produce art autonomously with a computer artificial intelligence. The digital art world has taken off so much since then..

 In the 1990s, thanks to improvements in digital technology, it was possible to download video onto computers, allowing artists to manipulate the images they had filmed with a video camera. 

Here is an example I creted using light to draw 

Robert Rauschenberg

American painter and graphic artist whose early works anticipated the pop art movement.   Rauschenberg worked along side engineers and artist's to produce a work in the 1960's, 

9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering was a series of performances from October 13–23, 1966

Once the tennis players hit the ball a sound wave was produced and the room work go dark, in this darkness a flash lighting would also be produced. This dimming effect happened each time a racquet hit a ball, conferred on the player’s actions a function bound up with a complex technological system. 

Afterwards this collaboration came together and began to bring together works that helped explore the separation of the individual from technological change. Know as E.A.T (Experiments in Art and Technology) 

The works used video projection, wireless sound transmission, and Doppler sonar had never been seen in the art of the 1960s.

My own looking at light and projection 

Frieder Nake 

Artist and Mathematician

Hommage à Paul Klee 13/9/65 Nr.2 (1965)

For this piece, Nake created an algorithm that instructed the computer to plot a series of shapes in order to produce a work of art. He programmed in the fundamental facts that would allow the computer to start drawing, and then placed in the algorithm containing random elements, which would allow the computer to take over and manipulate the outcome. In doing this, Nake demonstrated how logic and technology could be used to produce a work of art whose appearance was based on chance. 

 Kenneth C. Knowlton

  a computer graphics specialist, artist, mosaicist, and portraitist who worked at the seminal research and scientific development company Bell Labs in the 1960s alongside EAT founder Billy Kluver. 

While developing work with other colleagues. Knowlton produce an image which would be known as 

Young Nude

by scanning a photograph, then converting it into a pixelated, half tone image. This work produced an photomosaic which was revolutionary.

Nam June Paik

Good Morning, Mr. Orwell (1984)

questioning the role of television in society,  Paik coordinated a cast of actors, musicians, and artists and added his own graphics to produce a live compilation, which was viewed by 25 million people. 

Image result for Nam June Paik Good Morning, Mr. Orwell (1984)

Image result for Nam June Paik Good Morning, Mr. Orwell (1984)

Paik's video piece was important because it used one of the largest stages in the world (television) to posit that digital technology could fundamentally change the way art was made, distributed, and viewed.

Picasso painting with light was another thing that comes to mind with regards to using a camera to capture slowed down photography (shutter speed etc)
Image result for picasso painting with light

My working example

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