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Thursday 8 February 2018

Smear..ladies.. graphic content. Femme fatale

Why bother!                                                                    I'm too busy!

                                  I'm frightened I'm not normal               Will they judge me?

    I haven't shaved today!                            Thats gross I'm not getting that!

What would/is your reason for not getting a smear test....Truth is many young females put off getting a smear test for many different reasons.... Statics show that women going for smear tests are at an all time low! While smear test don't detect all types of cervical cancer why risk not going?

What do I know about it? Jade goody

Following the diagnosis of the Big Brother star Jade Goody getting cervical cancer back in 2008 and her subsequent death at the age of just 27, the charity, Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust says an extra 400,000 women went for their screening.   However, now the lack of investment and action to improve cervical screening attendance has maybe contributed to the low numbers since the goody effect has worn off....

Scottish Government Awareness - very creative

.... A short, bold film created by NHS Scotland and the Scottish Government to raise awareness of the importance of cervical screening, and to encourage young women to attend for their smear tests I thought was a great advert that makes women think about screening.... This got me questioning why do women think that getting they lady garden out for a two second test is so horrifying when it could save some many lives.

With my other topic - painting to a theme I came to discover than I too don't know what is normal when it comes to my own/others lady bits.  Its a topic I guess we dont talk about or want too....

I find it sad that so many could die because of this and knowing the effect cancer has on people and families, well hell a little thing like going for a swab is the least of your worries. Nearly 3 women a day die of cervical cancer everyday.  I've asked my local doctor's surgery for some more information regarding this. The nurse I spoke to seemed happy to help. I do wonder if nurses go to schools and talk to girls during the sex education talks. Its said to effect females of any age but women between 25 - 40 are more likely to be affected.


All women who are registered with a GP are invited for cervical screening:

aged 25 to 49 – every 3 years
aged 50 to 64 – every 5 years
over 65 – only women who haven't been screened since age 50 or those who have recently had abnormal tests

Will creating work that is graphic make people squirm enough to remember to get a smear test... I was thinking of a walk through doorway of a vagina.. Inside a pink lighten room and a wall of photos in black and white of different women vaginas. Maybe neon words and a sculpture .... I think the voice of a doctor talking about a healthy vagina's and what is normal could be playing in the background.... or girls fears about getting a smear. 

I could ask female to do a questionnaire for more information about thoughts, worries girls have. The truth is while were all busy, many younger people (men and women) are having panic attacks and fears of the unknown with regards to health. Many feel stressed out daily. I dont want my own children to keep in their fears in and let worries build up inside of them until its too much and they get bogged under. Knowledge is power, and talking and admitting our fears could indeed save lives in other ways.. Mental health, alcohol abuse, etc. Plus bring families together.

Cringe eh!! Talking the talks may leave us a left red faced, we could also laugh at the fact its so cringe.  I guess for women talking about periods and stuff, it to has to happen at some point or another... Maybe this is when talks about testing and being normal downstairs should be spoken about!

Image result for tampon instructions


Adverts I looked at -

                                                   Image result for cervical cancer advertisement

I think for my brief I'm thinking along the lines of a government health awareness campaign that relates to the importance of getting a smear test and a campaign to introduce this talk into school at  a younger level.  I guess things I should think about are
  • age group
  • religious beliefs
  • effect and outcome
  • graphic contend for public audience
  • medium and layout, sizing
  • lighting and effects
  • leaflets or healthcare phone numbers
Things I'd like to have.

A close up image/images of a female vagina.... Photographic and drawings 
framed and hanging next to one another.

voice over talking in the background.

For now I'm gonna create filler models and see what I take from them.

Think my angles maybe not correct.. going to enter the world of Google images to correct these 


  1. When you write about what is normal for the female form I personally think you should be using "normal" in inverted commas. What is "normal" ? Personally I don't think there is such a thing...everyone is different and unique. It's about what is healthy.

  2. True Lana. It was a matter of my own learning
