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Monday 26 February 2018

painting to a theme... continued

The filler dry I decided to work on my painting to a theme project again. I feel like as I swap and change my topics so often I sometimes lose the piece...the project. Its hard to go back to the place in my head I felt at the time. Like the seasons my thoughts feelings and work are changing all the time.

Firstly I started to rub some of the mud I'd collected that very day... Having the textures, smell and medium, I enjoyed the rubbing and feeling of the action. My senses began to come alive.  The texture of the filler and the paint was another interesting mix... Once I brushed it on I took a rag and rubbed the paint around, lifting some of the paint off as I went..

I was thinking of the shadows and darker area at the time. The brown and green seemed fitting with regards to the colour of nature.... Pure and human with a mix of us all living and breathing connecting as one....

Thinking of other textures I sharpen a pencil and the dust that was left behind I thought would be great to highlight areas or use like that of the same thing of glitter on a homemade... . Pva and glitter brought back a childlike innocence.. throwing filler onto wet paint also, I wanted to know if it would congeal together as a paste. The throwing action felt good and I did put power in my throw..

Thinking of the satellite images you see as a mapping idea, my work seemed to be taking the look of the that.. while again is kinda fitting.. ... The marks of the sea and land have interesting texture.

As I continued I couldn't help but feel how amateur like the thing looked..... Something isn't working.... Im unsure what as yet....Maybe I'm trying to hard... Maybe it is nothing. I don't really know... But what I do know is when I get immersed in a work the fun, joy and distraction I feel is great. Its not for me about the finish... Its more about the action and actual doing.

So the path it has taken from start to nearly finished.

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