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Sunday 23 October 2016

painting in fine ART ideas and thoughts (f/a)

Brief states , A painters eye will include knowledge and understanding in the practices exploring the physical properties of different painting media and materials.

key words included so far : experimentation, evaluation, physical, various, investigate, understanding, innovative....All these words seem to be doing or action words that have a sense of energy.

Scenario - RSA are calling for entries for its new contemporaries exhibtion - A Painters Eye - work will showcase students work that MUST REFLECT THE RELEVANCE OF PAINTING IN TODAY'S TECHNOLOGICALLY ENHANCED SOCIETY...

KEY WORDS AGAIN - relevance , today, society, technology.   these works are more fact words.....

Here the word relevance and its connection of the digital age we are now in is important. Our work can be videoed and shot to show the progression of work and how it was created. With everything available at a flick of a switch or swipe of a thumb. Competition from many more artists. Everything is so much quicker today compared to the more traditional ways of painting and we are all also guilty of expecting it that way......
Buying, showing and displaying our work has changed so much in the last ten years never mind the last century. The way we view the world and share our moments through social media, our private family moments or thoughts and feelings shared in just a click, gone out to the world wide web. (this blog another great example of how marking tests have changed)........

THEMES - Worn and Weathered or Behind the Scenes

They want to see work that demonstrates an innovative and fresh approach to the media of painting! One painting or a series of paintings. Plus an oral presentation to a selected audience.

  • Things I could consider for this are : review of notes on artist talks we've had in class (what worked best and approach to knowledge in given topic). 
  • Who is it aimed at?
  • Is it getting the intended message across enough to provoke a thought or connection
  • Colour meaning and choice?
  • Processes and considered composition
  • Medium and what does it say
  • How did my idea evolve and what was involved
I'm also to look at artists that interest me in both idea and media on moodle site. Will do this next and see how my ideas change along the way!

Things I have mind mapped this far


  • cracks in my phone - BROKEN COMMUNICATION
  • internet dating story and clown behind the computer screen (Italian)
  • the blog I haven't published that included some feeling and heated opinions of people, fears and diary........personal and days of panic attacks but one of identity/seeing
  •   trust in the unknown - either computer cookie accepting and apps
  • welcome to the stage - the other me.....light at the end of the tunnel - happiness and growth -excitement and bringing this in an energetic piece

  • The Autumn leaves and colours
  • Old church in gala that was going to get demolished due to it being unsafe
  • still life of gadgets like old fashion telephones - mobiles - cameras etc
  • My Grandad at 90
  • Abstract colour theory of how exhausted I feel (ha)
Hopefully this will help me evaluate my thought process and see what works and doesn't. I do tend to drift and jump from one idea to the next without direction .

Degas - ballet images coming to mind but think that just because 1, I do like them 2, behind the scene being theatrical.......... and photographer Kevin Greenfield saying that he sometimes had to blend into the background to get the right natural shot of people etc

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