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Wednesday 10 February 2016

Postcards from Home (P)

Postcards from Home

Looking at the photography brief I remembered hearing about a BBC documentary called Postcards from Home.

Postcards from Home is a curatorial project featuring photographs from 9 different international artists based in Glasgow.  Kotryna Ula Kiliulyte is a Lithuanian artist and photographer who decided to ask fellow students to take photos from home. The pictures featured are related to the artists' home countries, be it holiday snapshots, family archive, art work, really anything. Each made using different approaches and artist freedom.

Postcard from Greece by Michail Mersinis
Postcard from Greece by Michail Mersinis
Postcard from Romania by Alexandra Badea
Postcard from Romania by Alexandra Badea
Postcard from Poland by Natalia Poniatowska
Postcard from Poland by Natalia Poniatowska
She curated the project Postcard from Home which in total has 33 images you can buy either online or from the Glasgow Street Level Photoworks shop. On the BBC website she said "Curating allowed me to see or create links where they might not have been in the first place, and she found
"It was great to look at work much more objectively than I look at my own.
You can see more of her work at:


Looking on her website the work Amber Rooms was similar to the idea I had of going back to Durham....Where I grew up and the house I lived in, the garden a dug up holes with a spoon......The tree I climbed and revisited years later only to find it was a lot smaller than I remembered..The stream, now a trickle.  The effect of going back brings back memories each time I go HOME.... The very road that leads into the village of Esh Winning was the place that my childhood best friend was killed on and entering the site reminds me of him........But not in an adult ways....A some what memory of a childs view the feelings and sickness the loss and wondering what was all the drama about, police lights and panic.....Can u capture the past in a ways of a feeling......

Looking at the postcards PRETTY AND SCENENIC you can see why people would indeed buy them or use them for a postcard. The very purpose they were intended for.

But for me I wonder of the story behind them, or even if they is a story at all? Is it just culture or favourite things....

This reminded me of the artist David Cass and his talk to us in class back in October. David explained that for £60 he would send a postcard painted or sketched over from wherever he was at the time to the person requesting one.

See my blog David Cass/October.
also www.davidcass.co.uk 

Another project of his was Years of Dust and Dry.

Project using photographic documentation to create an exhibition and the story behind the Florence Floods.

David also was "Inspired by photographic documentation - from press, postcards, residents' photographs - and from imagination, I've painted scenes with antique paints, on antique papers, card & wood. I began creating these artworks late in 2013: 47 years after the flood which claimed at least thirty lives in Florence itself.

Are the photos from years ago documenting by past in the actually way it was, instead of my imagination of how I remember it.  A project in itself?  Going back and seeing my past life from an adult point of view to how I actually remember then......Comparing the image from then and now and editing them to show then and my imagination factors!

Not everything you see is real and I wonder what my own children's memories of home will be. Fact or Fiction.......Should I start taking snaps for the future years for them....

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