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Sunday 28 August 2016

Morris & Co. - A Revolution in Design

Found this designer William Morris while looking for wallpaper for my home.. Again just another example of how  looking for one thing ends up taking you down another pathway..

 The block printing I can look at for a starting base,  then go on to look into digital printing etc... Maybe look at the differences like pro/cons etc... If I get to use examples later on down the line then great.. But it is very much of interest to me at this time... More the prints and detail...old school style of doing things..

 I have found myself thinking about objects lately, nature  an easy example and trying to imagine a design.... Usually in patterns, abstracts, colours. Asking questions like shape purpose and form... Intention etc what can create design. .. It was in fact the object maybe itself that was someone's design.

The plant while on my last holiday was a fan palm, as I looked at the pattern and texture, colour transparency and size. I could see it as a wallpaper.. The sky blue against the leaves or the white of the clouds against the green together makes a fresh, cooling design.... I sat for ages just looking that these trees..

I came home and looked for wallpaper design of the fan palm. what era I wonder would this fall under.....?? I would be interested to learn!!

New technologies have also grabbed my attention because of the capabilities and methods used today! Id be a fool to dismiss them while still keeping a keen interest on my traditional enthusiasm of design.

A must watch

Note to self to look at orwell and goode again!

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