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Wednesday 8 June 2016

Exhibition 2016

Exhibition 2016

What can I say, not like me to be stuck for words! But the morning of this exhibition and settling up I was....I was stuck as to what I wanted to put up and why it was relevant to the year I'd had.

With the size and scale of the boards, I struggled at first to set out and make the best of the space I had.

I looked at my sewing and embroidery canvasses.  My life drawing and the images that had shown movement. The photos against the size of the board were made to look somewhat smaller. oh dread

So I looked again at my work... ALL my work

Here I found my mono prints we'd done right at the beginning of the year. My mixed up parts of the bicycle I'd done seemed to grab my attention. Not the workings of a great artist but at the time the excitement and joy I'd felt anticipating the outcome of the mono print was overwhelming. I really had a moment of fun, excitement and childlike carefree creating.. 
For someone with an anxiety disorder this was a very surreal thing. To relax and have GOOD adrenaline flowing. Being in a large group and not trying to control what or how my work came across. If it looked good or was good enough.

At the time I didn't realise how much I tried to controlled everything or everyone around me....unintentionally.... trying to protect my bubble (and what a little bubble it was)

Looking at the picture here it doesn't do the fine details justice. I love mono printing.. the energy it can give, the marks and details...Illustrative drawing or imitating a soft charcoal, pencil or press harder for an finer ink design. Heavy strong tones, shade etc....thick, thin you make the marks and sometimes marks just present themselves...
This board was about energy in the end.....
Without using colour to create energy I felt happy with the outcome. Actually somewhat settled!

Next I took some of the photo's I'd had developed.
The two top ones I had always loved. No edits on these prints and I liked the light reflecting in them
The Haining were the next three prints (our first assessments and a massive learning point in my development) Also should add I never thought any of this stuff would end up in my final

My tool close up I really loved. The outcome of the photo's I feel were an interesting mix. The photo's set up worked well because of the subtle contrast in colour. The mix of images and the ease and indirect approach it gave the viewer when looking over the images.....

The log structure had needed some last minute changes. Again I'd over complicated the set up by adding to much background..... I think I'd been trying to tell a story or again justify my work by fear of lacking. In the end the display was set on sand, keeping it grounded but not distracting.

Above are the bottom images which were a accidental mistake of images I'd printed. The pixels had not been correct leaving them blurred.. But from a distance the blur worked....

Tutti Frutti I guess had to be in the set up.... A first real attempt at keeping to a brief and looking at other artists, designers and a new passion for modern technology and design. A massive subject area but this for me, hit the nail on the head of how important the brief was....... stick to it, do as it asks, add some of yourself and others and you cant really go to far wrong.

The answers are there!! Review, review, review

I also displayed some photo's in an album from the images displayed on my logs. The book freedom to create was in there also....

Did I have too much and did it say much about me?

My view, no I didn't have to much.....this whole year my head and hands have been full. You only have to look back on this blog or in my sketchbooks to see them full and overflowing.. with ideas, learning, juggling family life, mental health and more than that.....QUESTIONS god so many questions....These select few pieces are only 5% if that of me this year. I've started now ...

Time will tell if anything comes from all this...but looking back I know that MY view, MY world (was an assessment topic) will never be the same again. My eyes are open, and I love starting to see...


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