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Saturday 4 March 2017

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (P/M)

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner was born on May 6, 1880

  • First studied architecture at the Dresden Technical High School 

  • Ernst Ludwig Kircher along with other like minded artist's founded the artist group Die Brücke ("The Bridge.") The group would meet in an old butcher's shop that served as Kirchner's studio to practice figure drawing. 

  • Kirchner held a particular interest in the woodcarvings of Dürer, and sought to modernise them with his own unique style of pared-down lines and dynamic compositions.

  • Kirchner depicted the figure in movement, since he believed that this better expressed the fullness and vitality of the human body. 

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Well don't you just love the simplicity and calming style this woodcut has. Kircher for me as a unique energy with many of the woodcuts I've looked at. While they have lots going on in the scenes, I do like the way the images seem to be outlined. The simple black and white adds to the work and I prefer that, rather than the ones with colour.

Image result for woodcuts kircher  Image result for woodcuts kircher

I like the cuts that have been cut at a unusual angle against the busy backdrop of parts of the works.  It adds depth and doesn't leave the image flat. The work I feel pulls you into it..... a usual connection between viewer and artist.

Image result for woodcuts kircher 

this one looks painful like love and war. I feel I relate to this feeling at the moment so I get it! Only my own feelings would be a darker sense of a similar scene....the colours of red and blue add to the mood and I feel its energy.

Like a saturday night at the disco.........reminds me of a Picasso style. Cubist style faces in the women. Some movement and energy to image. Also a Matisse in the use of colour. Fauvism

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Modern Bohemia (Bohème Moderne). (1924)
Modern Bohemia (Bohème Moderne)
What is this ? Bohemia

Bohemianism is the practice of an unconventional lifestyle, often in the company of like-minded people, with few permanent ties, involving musical, artistic, or literary pursuits. In this context, Bohemians may be wanderers, adventurers, or vagabonds.

Again I can't help but feel emotion towards my finding in the artwork I'm viewing.....German Expressionism?  What all these prints and artists lately are really capturing for me is a need to express my own thoughts and feelings.... more like a need than a want and while its maybe something that everyday people do easily - for me, having a voice or an output is indeed very surreal ... funny to think that a woodcut  (or still life or colour) can inspire or awaken something inside you.

Key Facts fromreading more about the artist gives a explanation of the emotions I feel. Maybe they do have or were intended to evoke these things in the viewer. Maybe what I feel is normal but for me it is enlightenment and a greater feeling of self.

  • Kirchner believed that powerful forces - enlivening yet also destructive - dwelt beneath the veneer 
  • The human figure was central to Kirchner's art. It was vital to the pictures that took his studio as their backdrop - pictures in which he captured models posing as well as aspects of his bohemian life.
  •  he depicted men and women in his pictures, as people who often seem at war with themselves or their environment.
I looked at Kirchner for my fine art and did try and paint in the same expressive style. I failed, wasn't even close but to be honest I still have taken a greater understanding of the actual artist away from it. Like the special fondness I feel towards Picasso, Kirchner seems to be finding a place in my heart also.

"A painter paints the appearance of things, not their objective correctness, in fact he creates new appearances of things."

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Related image  Related image
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This is a favourite because you get his sense of energetic brilliance that he created.

Image result for kirchner woodcuts

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